The 6 Most Popular Kinks In Phone Sex

Sasha Stone
5 min readMar 2, 2023
Pretty woman holding phone

If I had a list of the most popular phone sex kinks before signing the dotted line, I probably would have never applied for the job. Phone sex sounds great, right? You live, breathe, and work from home. Working in your pjs or birthday suit might sound glamorous, but I promise that it isn’t.

Actually, it started as a favorite job but ended as something I hated. What got me to the boiling point that I had to quit? The kinks. Well… ONE specific but popular kink. Now, I am not usually one to kink shame- I myself am not kink-less - but there are certain ones that cross a line for me.

What I didn’t think about when starting is the possible downsides. After a while I learned that there were many. I’m not alone and I know this by the high turnover rate of girls that came to phone sex green behind the ears.

You come in thinking that you will be doing a lot of moaning and dealing with foot fetishes. You definitely do, but would it shock you if I said that it was not one of the most popular kinks with phone sex calls? Taboo callers were the bulk but they reached far passed what I thought it would be. These are some of the most popular calls I got. Hold on tight, because it is going to shock you.

Photo by Gabe Pierce on Unsplash

People are Obsessed with the Potty

It’s true, but it’s not the number one kink on the list. But yea, men who called had a fascination with things that happen in the rest room. Most of which I like to keep to myself, but I guess some people are not as potty shy as I am.

I suppose some people love being gross and to them it is a turn on. Mostly because you’re not supposed to find it attractive. Most fantasies were exactly what you think and I probably do not have to spell it out, but some did get creative.

I did have a guy obsessed with the idea of having a women’s monthly, but not being a woman. It was, bizarre. But he was somehow “normal” outside of this strange kink. Yea, some clients cling and like to message you off of calls. They stuff your DMs on the daily and you learn more about them than you likely should know.

Photo by Dainis Graveris on Unsplash

What Color are your Panties

Most vanilla of the popular kinks, but by far one of the most common. Don’t be too shocked that a lot of men call wanting to wear panties, hose and more. But it’s not a stagnant kink.

Some men buy their own panties, opting to chose their favorites from stores. Others wear their wife or girlfriend’s stuff. It was so common that I would say one out of 5 men do this one. Of course this is not a proven fact, but it really is that common.

And what about the guys who fetishize women’s dirty underoos? It might shock you, but they aren’t a fan of thongs. They like basic white cotton bikinis. So next time you want to please your husband don’t be too nervous about style or cut. It’s highly probable they don’t really care.

One of the Most Popular Kinks in Phone Sex is Going to Shock You!

Don’t Mind me, I’m Just Painting my Nails

Second most popular phone sex kink in the list is sissification. These men want to be turned into “sissys” (not a fan of this word). It’s the idea of being forced or cohersed into doing it.

Now, some like to pretend to fight it, but others like to “slowly start to enjoy” the whole thing. It’s complex. There are many subcategories and some are dark, but for the most part it just follows a simple formula.

Someone’s In Our Bed

“… and my wife is having a lot of fun with it.” Cuckolding was pretty top of the line when it came to men’s chosen kinks. Part humiliation, part relinquishing control.

They had everyone screwing their wife but themself. Mailmen, best friends, vengeful coworkers. It always seemed to be best if it was someone they trusted.

This One is Always Cringe

Step Mom or not it’s weird AF. Or at least that’s what society tells us. Yet, a lot of men like the idea. Most would never want it in real life, but I think the adult scene has really paved the way into making it more mainstream.

Again though, most actually would be bothered by it irl and do NOT actually imagine any family member. Their head space tends to replace the real person with some random hottie. Does that make it better? I dunno. I don’t kink shame.

One I Hated the Most

When I say it bothered me so much that I drew the line at it… I had it listed at the top of my profile as something I would not do. And guess what? I got sufficiently less calls because of it. I can’t tell you how many still called me and hung up because I said no to this type of call.

Look, I draw the line at young people. Yea, a lot of people still played out these scenes on a daily basis, but it was not one I wanted to deal with. In the case of this, it was upsetting to me. But… it was the most popular kink on this list by far.

Age play can be any age. Hell, it could be you pretending you are a sexy 85 year old lady with a gambling addiction. But I think you know what the callers preferred. Because of this, I actually quit.

Girls who did these calls made mountains more cash than girls who did not. Girls that didn’t also quit sooner. If I made $700 in a week not doing these calls, the girls who did made $1,000 plus. It was irritating. I wanted to make more money, but I never could get as much as the other ladies all because of one limit. Oh well. Some things I guess you have to throw up your hands and sigh about.


Most of these kinks are bizarre, but most I could deal with… Sometimes even understand. The last one was the only one that really upset me. If any of these kinks make you uncomfortable, phone sex is not for you.

Did any of these kinks shock you that they are popular. Please comment below if how you feel about them. I’d love to know.

